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Lucy Rose - "Middle of the bed" - The Crypt Sessions: Season 2, Episode 15 http://facebook.com/thecryptsessions http://twitter.com/cryptsessions http://thecryptsessions.com What can we say about Lucy Rose? Still only 21 and with a voice to melt glaciers she is quickly gathering an army of admirers from Edith Bowman to the Mumford's. Having spent the last couple of years honing her songs live, Lucy came to the attention of Bombay Bicycle Club's Jack Steadman and was qui.. 더보기
Lucy Rose - Lines 요즘 격하게 아끼는 루시양 되겠다 Lucy Rose playing 'Lines' on the Festival Republic Stage at Reading Festival 2012 on 24 August. Lucy Rose - Lines ( Live @ Dockville Festival Hamburg 11.08.2012 ) Lucy Rose joins Bands In Transit to play her track 'Lines' at The Great Escape Festival in Brighton. http://www.facebook.com/BandsInTransit http://www.twitter.com/BandsInTransit http://www.youtube.com/BandsInTransit .. 더보기
Glen Check (글렌체크) - '84 더보기
Daughter - Youth (The Wild Youth EP) 잉국의 따끈따끈한 신인. .. I thought this brand new track called "Youth" by Daughter needed to be on Youtube, too. It's incredibly beautiful. (You'll find the lyrics below.) Check out Daughter a.k.a. Elena Tonra. She's a true gem and an enrichment to everyone's music collection. Go ahead and purchase her EPs "His Young Heart" and "The Wild Youth" on http://ohdaughter.bandcamp.com/ http://itunes.apple.com/.. 더보기
Daughter - "Home" (Taken from 'The Wild Youth' EP) 'Home' is the opening track from 'The Wild Youth' EP. 'The Wild Youth' is released on the 21st November. Tracklisting is: 'Home', 'Medicine', 'Youth' & 'Love'. The next Daughter UK headline shows are special 'Daughter & Friends' events in early December. You can purchase tickets at the following links: 6th Dec @ Bristol, UK, Cube Cinema http://bit.ly/q5rttI 7th Dec @ London, UK, St Giles In The .. 더보기
Keren Ann - Not Going Anywhere Album Title : Not Going Anywhere //Released November 25, 2003 /August 24, 2004 (U.S.) //Keren Ann - Not Going Anywhere 더보기
My Best Fiend - I'm Not Going Anywhere (taken from 'In Ghostlike Fading') Taken from 'In Ghostlike Fading', album out now on Warp Records http://itunes.apple.com/album/in-ghos... Download 'Higher Palms' MP3 for freehttp://emailunlock.com/~5l http://www.facebook.com/mybestfiend http://twitter.com/mybestfiend http://www.warp.net/my-best-fiend 더보기
Gotye - Somebody That I Used To Know (feat. Kimbra) Film clip for the Gotye song Somebody That I Used To Know, featuring Kimbra from the album Making Mirrors. Buy Somebody That I Used To Know here:http://www.smarturl.it/gotyesomebody Buy Making Mirrors here http://www.smarturl.it/gotye http://www.gotye.com/ http://www.facebook.com/gotye/ http://www.twitter.com/gotye/ ****************************************­****** Somebody That I Used To Know lyr.. 더보기
Erica Pomerance - You used to think 전에 우연히 밤에 차에서 라디오 듣다가 정말 우연히 듣게 된 곡 ㅎㅎ 좋아 좋아 더보기
푸른새벽 (Bluedawn)- 친절한 나의 길 (My Kind Path) 더보기
푸른새벽 - 딩 정발 좀 해줬으믄..... 10만원이 뭐니;; 더보기
푸른새벽 Bluedawn - 우리의 대화는 섬과 섬 사이의 심해처럼 알 수 없는 짧은 단어로 이루어지고 있었다 푸른새벽 덕후 입갤 곡 ㅎㅎ 임과 동시에 제일 좋아라하는 곡 첨에 뭐 시바 이리 제목이 길어?? 이러고 들었는데.. 흐규. . . ㅠㅠ 녹았네여 덕택에 한희정씨도 알게 되고 푸른새벽도 알게되고 현재는 열심히 덕질 중입니다. 하하. 더보기
Mew, I Should Have Been A Tsin-Tsi For You 존나 고맙게도 몇년전에 이 앨범을 다시 부활시켜주긴 했는데..!!! 했는데.. 아직도 못 사구 있음 ㅠㅠ 너무 비싸 유럽반... 정발 좀... 해달라는건 너무 염치 없는 것 같아서 말도 못 끄내겠다.. 더보기
Coffee Break - Mew B-Side from Comforting Sounds 7'' Vinyl Release Date: 24 March 2003 More info at: http://www.mewsite.com B-sides: * Animals Of Many Kinds * Bones (Song for Albert) * City Voices * Drown * Forever And Ever * In Time Do You Forget * Killer * King Christian (new) * Like Chaser * Like Paper Cuts * Mica (new) * Misplaced * Nothing Is Red * Quietly * Safe As Houses * She Came Home For Christmas (acous.. 더보기
Jamiroquai - Seven Days In Sunny June 사실 자미콰 노래는 많이 안들어봐서 잘 모름 더보기
LOVE PSYCHEDELICO Right now 고딩 때 한창 많이 들었던 사이키델리코. . 요즘도 활동하나? 더보기
Mermaid-Jazztronik 더보기
Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man - Spider Monkey Album: Out Of Season Artist: Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man(aka Paul Webb) Year: 2002(UK) 2003 (US) Label: Go! Beat 포티셰드 2집과 3집의 그 엄청난 공백 기간 동안 (무려 10년!) 나는 이들이 죽어버린 줄 알았더니.. 언젠가 보니 누님이 싱글로 활동 하고 있던 거시여따;; 들어보면 알겠지만 감정의 연장선상에 놓인 것은 분명하나 조금 분위기가 다르고 정말 이건 뭐임 할 정도로 난해한 곡들도 꽤 있다ㅎㅎ 그래서 머 좀 팬들한테 욕도 쳐묵고 빨리 포티셰드 앨범이나 내삼! 이런 소리도 들었던 걸로..ㅋㅋ 아무튼 누님은 짱짱걸이니까여...^-^ 더보기
Vib Gyor - Ghosts Ghosts I once wore your crown of thorns. It wound me up so tight, I just couldnt breath. As I lay silent through all those endless fights. I came to realise this just wasnt me. Now Ive had enough of that. Now Im not coming back. Your dead like a ghost now, and Ive passed you by. Dont confess, theyll try to catch you out and get inside your mind. So you just cant catch up. Ive both sides in the c.. 더보기
Vib Gyor - Red Lights The astoundingly gorgeous song Red Lights by arguably Leeds' finest -- Vib Gyor. Taken from their album, We Are Not An Island. This song deserves to be heard by the masses, so enjoy it! Red Lights by Vib Gyor Buy on iTunes - http://itunes.apple.com/album/we-are-... Buy CD http://www.takeaimfire.com/island.html ........................................­...................................... Vib Gy.. 더보기
Radiohead - Big Boots (Milan, 21/11/1995) Live in Milan, Italy 21/11/1995 이제는 과거의 저편으로 묻혀버린 곡... 아니 모르지.. 갑자기 또 떡하고 나올지도 ㅋㅋ 더보기
Can - Oh Yeah 도이칠란트 출신 사이키델릭의 거장 되겠다 ㅋ 상당히 예전임에도 지금 들어도 신선한 음악적 실험을 많이 했음 ㅎㅎ 그리고 듣다보면 그냥 아.. 이 형님들 지금 약빨고 녹음 중이구나 하는게 딱 느껴짐 ㅋㅋ 라헤가 이들의 영향을 많이 받았다고 하는데 실제로 들어보면 그 말을 부인 할 수 는 없겠더라. 커버곡도 한 적이 있고... 음.. 다음에 시간날 때 자세히 다뤄 보겠음 더보기
Radiohead - Morning Bell (Kid 17 ver.) 누군가 우연한 계기로 발견함ㅋ 17초부터 겹쳐서 틀어도 전 앨범이 어색하지 않고 존니 자연스러운 현상이 발생한 것인 ㅎㅎ 오랜만에 들으니 좋네잉 더보기
M83 'Midnight City' Official video 으. . . 빵빵빵 더보기
Girls - Vomit 더보기
St Vincent - Surgeon from 4AD Session View the full session at http://4ad.com/sessions/010 In September of this year, St Vincent took a giant leap forward with the release of third album, Strange Mercy. This time out Annie Clark was to combine her long-celebrated musical virtuosity with ambitious songwriting that ran a gamut of emotional cadences, all the while underpinned by a colourful sense of melody. Recording these songs live f.. 더보기
Frank Ocean - Thinking About You 더보기
sleep ∞ over - romantic streams 먼가 약간 90년대 홍콩 느와르 삘이 나긴 하지만..ㅋㅋ 더보기
Primary (프라이머리) - 멀어 (Away) (Feat. Beenzino) 샘플링도 너무 좋고...좋다 좋아. 더보기
Florence + The Machine - What the Water Gave Me Lyric video for Florence + The Machine's new song" What the Water Gave me" from their new album which will be released on October 31st! The song is pitch shifted so it doesn't get removed. (c) Florence+The Machine. 더보기