
Radiohead's Thom Yorke on Wankers and Confronting Who You Are

reckoner 2013. 7. 16. 14:56

"I'm humorless when I think people are wankers. You know, I'm not tolerant of idiots." ~ Thom Yorke of Radiohead

Today we tackle the challenges that just about everyone faces: confronting who you are and being comfortable with yourself and your life...even if you're a huge rock star like Thom Yorke. Writer and author Brian Raftery interviewed Yorke in 2006. It was for a profile Brian did for Spin magazine.The pair sat down for a few hours in a Philadelphia hotel. Yorke had a new solo album out. But then Brian asked Yorke--who was nearing 38 at the time--how he felt about getting older. 

Interviewed by: Brian Raftery, 
May 30, 2006 // Loews Hotel in Philadelphia // Olympus digital recorder
Read Brian Raftery's profile of Thom Yorke in SPIN magazine.

Host & Executive Producer: David Gerlach
Producer: Amy Drozdowska
Music Credits: Radiohead - "Karma Police," "I Will," "There There" & "Exit Music (for a Film)"
Photo Credit: BondBeterLeefmilieu via Flickr

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